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Rabbi Shalom Arush

Rabbi Shalom Arush

The Geula is Here!
34 min view

When is Mashiach coming? Why hasn't he come yet, given our severe tribulations? There are things we must do to bring Mashiach: -teshuvah, thank Hashem, strengthen emuna, and support outreach. Mashiach will NOT come to solve your problems, so get to work!

My Only Wish
6 min

Two groups of students of emuna both encounter the same test. One group of students sail through the test with no distress at all while the second group suffers intensely. What makes the difference? Rabbi Arush gives us critical advice to weather our current crises. 

Critical Advice During War | Rabbi Arush
2 min view

God is bringing the world to a state where there will be no advice, no help, nothing to do except pray and speak to God! Start now! A MUST WATCH FOR OUR DIFFICULT TIMES!